Club Membership and access to the Gym.
January 19, 2025
Club membership for 2025 is now due, and membership to the gym.
The rates of membership for various categories are, as per the attached poster.
It is imperative if you are using the gym, that you have paid your subscription for the calendar year 2025, and club membership, else, you should not access the gym after 01 Jan 2025 and secondly, you are in no way covered for insurances, in the event of an accident.
Killavullen gym relies on the good will of all persons that utilize it, to respect the property, respect our neighbours and respect other gym users. The gym does not have a full time attendant, such as you would have in a gym in Mallow, or Cork, and our rates are hugely below those that commercial gyms seek.
Of late, the gym area has seen unsavory conduct by a small majority of persons, who have no right to be there in the first instance. You must be a member to access the gym and you must pay your subscription, and you must be over 16.
You cannot invite non-members into the gym.
Killavullen GAA regrets that due to instances brought to our attention, that periodic spot-checks will be occurring from today, the 19th of Jan until the problems reported cease, and all persons utilizing the gym paid their subscriptions.
If you are in the gym, after the 19th of January, and you have not paid your subscription, you will be politely asked to leave.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.