Avenge for Killavullen in the game that really mattered.

Avenge for Killavullen in the game that really mattered.

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Avenge for Killavullen in the game that really mattered.

September 19, 2024

A dogged and determined Killavullen team, overcame Kilshannig who had defeated them, in the league basis of the championship last night in splendid sunshine in Mourne Abbey to win out the Rebel Óg North Division 2 Hurling Championship final. The referee was the very experienced and capable, Dave Twomey.

Killavullen had reasons to be very grateful to two players in particular at opposite ends of the field, as Charlie Cremin in goals, made three crucial saves in the opening half, and Colm O Mahony was immense in the full forward berth at the other end. The performances of these individuals did much to set the tone for the spirited nature of the Killavullen play.

Colm O Mahony, who was brilliance personified all night scored a lovely point from a free,  to edge us ahead  and Jack Stafford scored our second score, when he was expertly put in the clear by Owen Magner and rifled a shot over the bar. Colin Ruby replied from a free for Kilshannig and this fine player and Ryan Crowley were the best of a very decent and well balanced team from Kilshannig. Ryan Crowley added the second point, and Kilshannig took the lead in the next minutes, from Colin again. Liam Martin scored a great goal for us in the 11th minute, a blistering shot that gave their goal keeper no chance. Daithi Murphy was illusive on the night and he got a very tidy point from an acute angle to push us further ahead. Another converted free from Kilshannig reduced the margin, only for Daithi to show star qualities again, and score another lovely point. Colm blasted another free over the bar after the hard worked Colm Hayes had been fouled. Colm then caught a great ball on the edge of the square, and sent trepidations in the Kilshannig rear guard before the ball went over the bar. Kilshannig was thwarted in a goal attempt by Charlie, and the resultant 65 Metre shot was converted to leave the shot at the interval 1-06 to 0-06.

On the resumption, the intensity did not let up, and Niall Feaheny and Tomas Fennel did much to stem the Kilshannig attacks, aided by their flanking defenders. Kilshannig ate into the lead with another converted 65 metre shot, but Colm kept our margin at three points with a long range free conversion. Colm then converted a 65 metre shot to push our lead out to 4 points. Again Kilshannig stayed in touch with a converted free, but again Colm answered that back. The same duo, Colin Ruby for Kilshannig and Colm for us, added another score apiece before Colm pushed the margin out to 5 points, with another conversion, from distance. Kilshannig got two points in quick succession to reduce the margin, but Colm scored again, from open play after been put into space by Seamus Cronin. Kilshannig got a point back, and we sprung Rory O Leary from the bench to effect a change, replacing Jack Stafford. Colm had another point for us, to keep the margin at four points, with 10 minutes to go, 1-13 to 0-12.

In a welter of excitement, buoyed up by the fine crowd, Kilshannig scored again from Colin Ruby, but as had been happening all night, Colm replied with another point, to leave the margin at the final whistle, 1-14 to 0-13, a very meritorious four point win. For this bunch who had to overcome adversity, and short some players through absenteeism and injuries, this was a great reward for their perseverance. The cup was presented to Colm, fittingly -

The team was

  1. Charlie Cremin
  2. Darragh O Connor
  3. Thomas Fennell
  4. Conor O Neill
  5. Conor Barrett
  6. Niall Feaheny
  7. Cian Murphy
  8. Seamus Cronin
  9. Owen Magner
  10. Colm Hayes
  11. David Walsh
  12. Jack Stafford (0-01)
  13. Dathi Murphy (0-02)
  14. Colm O Mahony (0-11) (0-01 x 65, 0-05F)
  15. Liam Martin (1-00)


  1. Rory O Leary for Jack Stafford

Hats off as well to the youthful coaches / management team, of James Magner, Pa Sheehan, Liam Fox, Padraig Looney with assistance and guidance from Greg Fennell and Manager John Stafford. Great to have junior players involved in the set up, and they only a short few years ahead of these players, age wise.

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